Week 17 - Leading Lines

Week 17 - Leading Lines
Photo by Alex Mao / Unsplash

The weather this week was downright dreadful. It also didn't help that I was highly unmotivated to complete something for the challenge this week. Fear not though, because I did rally... on the final day of the assignment... and went out in search of some leading lines.

Follow Me Down

This staircase is in a local park that leads down to the Mississippi River. I've thought about photographing this very image quite a few times, but have just never brought myself to do it until today. Thankfully it was cold and rainy enough that there was not anyone else out, so it was easy to get a human-free image.

Follow Me This Way

My runner-up image was this one, photographed at a different park. The vibe here definitely reflects the dreariness of the day.  I have actually photographed this path in the past, at different times of the year. Eventually I will do a separate blog post with those images.

Every time I see this path, or the images I have made of it, I am reminded of one of my very first assignments in college where I had to photograph either leading lines or curves, or something of a similar theme. All these years later I don't exactly remember the assignment, but I do vividly recall the image. Similar to this, but it was a wall that was curved, and I did the image in black and white film. I should still have that assignment someplace.