Week 39 - Letters

Week 39 - Letters
Photo by Natalia Yakovleva / Unsplash

I'm sure you've noticed the cover photos from Unsplash for each post. It's a way to feature the work of other artists as they may loosely relate to the current post. I especially like the one I found for today - typeset letters for a printing press!

Normally for these weekly photo challenges, I have a rough idea what I want to do, and then spend the week either nailing it on day one, or getting the photo done with a few hours left in the week due to either procrastination or Plan A, Plan B, etc not working out, and having to pivot.

I sort of knew what I wanted to do for this week - write out something in Yiddish or Hebrew, or find something in a non-Latin alphabet to take a picture of. I couldn't find anything in Chinese or Japanese in the pantry (okay, I didn't look super hard, just medium hard), and wanted to do something a bit more original than words on a page (and what words? Mayn kats iz nisht in gantzen vaas!) And then, the answer to all my questions was literally right in front of my face.

Lots of Letters

See, literally right in front of my face. I like this coffee mug quite a bit, and realized it would be perfect for the photo challenege! It also shows off a lot of different typefaces, colors, and font sizes, too. Perfect!