Week 44 - Chaos

Week 44 - Chaos
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

Chaos - the absence of order. That's exactly what happened this week with the photo challenge – complete chaos.

In my head, I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but for some reason, things didn't want to go smoothly at all. Maybe I put way too much thought into things (as I usually do), and this could have been something rather simple to execute. a couple of minutes, a few clicks, and done. But nope. I ended up spending hours on this one, from planning in my head, attempted execution, and finally culling through images to find the ones I was happy with for final edits.

I'm seriously not exaggerating when I say I needlessly went above and beyond for this one: 2 cameras, multiple locations, over 600 frames taken (and I am not an overshooter)... eventually whittled down to 5-6 final edited images. See, even now I can't decide between 6 final images that I am going to include in this post.